
I was lucky enough to get trained by someone like Preetha twice. It was an amazing journey into the field of movement therapy. If I have to mention one thing that astounded me during the training it’s the love and authenticity she has for this field. Every time she shared her case studies, she wouldn’t miss the smallest of details even after few years( I say this because I was at her training the second time after 2 years) I am proud to say I was trained by her

Mirthula ,Coimbatore

I met Preetha when I was a student at CMTAI. Her camaraderie helped me open up easily and her professionalism brought focus to the sessions. She found ways to make heavy topics more appealing by weaving her own experiences in the form of interesting anecdotes/stories. What struck me the most as a student was her humility and ability to connect with each of us at a point where we were, not where she was. The reason I fell in love with Laban movement analysis was because of Preetha's style of facilitation.


Having Preetha as an instructor has been an opportunity i have felt very grateful for in my journey of Dance movement therapy.She taught with clarity,authenticity, passion and sincerity. Preetha seems to have an innate skill of being present , and empathetic, which helps her respond to her students with understanding and, when appropriate, compassion.

As a trainer she is not just sensitive to your needs but appreciates your individuality. Her simplicity and humility in-spite of her depth of knowledge is very endearing especially as she shows deep consideration for your feelings, your thoughts, your body, and your progress. She adapted to the needs of the students and is flexible and helped me nurture the train of thought. Preetha created a space which guided the process for questions, exploration, and problem-solving. She helped me to lead a process of discovery that I continue to embrace.


I did 5 day Movement Therapy module with Preetha a couple of years ago, as part of my Expressive Arts Therapy course that ended up changing every single thing about myself as I knew myself then.

I learnt that I could move. It didn't mean that I had to be flexible, graceful, co-ordinated or stylish. And I wasn't. I believed I wasn't any of those things.

The freedom to be my own self through the course of the module, no matter how awkward or klutzy I was, inspired me to join dance classes almost immediately after the module. For the first time, I didn't care about having two left feet. All I wanted was to learn about my own body and the way it moved.

Today, I'm a part of an all-girls' performance troupe and we put up different productions across the city. I work with children through movement and art. And both give me so, so much joy.

Movement is a major part of my life's purpose.

All because I gave myself the permission to believe I could and because Preetha provided me the space to explore and express. She's been a major part of my life's journey through five days. Five little days that made the difference of a lifetime.

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